Principal's Report Week 10 Term 3 - 2019
Dear parents,
As we come to the end of the term, I would like to thank staff, students and parents for their support through all of the events that occurred throughout the term. I have outlined these in the past few weeks and and they certainly added to the vibrancy of MTS.
Tuesday evening saw the Year Three and Four students perform Yee Haaaa for families and friends. It was a wonderful performance which was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to all the students involved, the class teachers and Mrs Curbishley for all her preparation.
Term Four sees us move into warmer weather and the children back in their summer uniform, the details of which are available on our website. A reminder all children are required to wear blue bucket hats. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Nikos Vassiliotis (2 Mint) who was this week’s winner.
The holiday maths challenge (located further down in this newsletter) is a series of puzzles from ‘Puzzle Compendium consisting of simple mathematical games and puzzles to develop problem Solving and Reasoning.’
Those students that get all the solutions correct will go in the draw otherwise the wonderful prize will go to the person with the most correct solutions. I look forward to seeing lots of entries!
I wish you all a wonderful school holiday break and will see you back for the start of term 4 on Monday 14 October.
God Bless
Peter Hughes