Mother Teresa School Harrison
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40 Wimmera St
Harrison ACT 2914

Phone: 02 6241 5604

Religious Education News - Anne Leet



    The Whole school focus theme for this year is Walking Together’.

    This Term as WE FOLLOW JESUS’ WAY: we believe in and love Jesus;

    Live with honesty and integrity; Be patient with others and make peace;

    Give of our unique talents, time, and money; and Be consistently kind.



    Year A | Sunday 12 November | green

    “Look, the bridegroom comes. Go out to meet him.”

    Something to Think About

    Jesus reminds his disciples to 'Be ready!' Some of the bridesmaids in today's story were extra prepared, but they did not share with those who had less. God gives gifts to each person to use for their own good but also to help others. God's kingdom calls us to be generous and compassionate, not to selfishly hold onto the things we have.

    The Story

    In today’s gospel, ten bridesmaids all took their lamps ... but only five of them took extra oil.

    The bridegroom was late, and the lamps needed to burn for longer than expected. The bridesmaids who took extra oil could keep their lamps lit. It is these women that the gospel calls 'wise'.

    The five who did not bring extra oil were called 'foolish'. They asked for help from those who had plenty - but were refused. They then went out, in the middle of the night and somehow, somewhere, found more oil. But while they were gone, the groom arrived and the doors to the wedding were closed.

