Principal's Report Term 4 Week 10 - 2021
Dear parents,
Today parents should be able to access their child’s reports via Compass. Instructions on how to do this were sent to parents at approximately 3pm today.
On Monday next week, class lists will also be sent home to parents on Compass. These lists have been worked on by all staff for a number of weeks and no changes will be made. Classes were constructed to give a balance of students across each class in each year level.
Staff Changes
On Tuesday Mr Brendan Roweth accepted a position at Holy Trinity Primary School, Curtin for the 2022 school year. Brendan has taught Kindergarten, year four and, for a number of years, has taught year six. He has worked tirelessly coordinating sport and has provided opportunities for all students to participate in sports they may not normally experience. Besides his great work in sport, he has been an outstanding classroom teacher who establishes wonderful relationships with his students.
On behalf of the school, I thank Brendan for the contribution he has made to Mother Teresa School and wish him all the best at Holy Trinity.
Today we finalised our classroom teachers for 2022. Claire Dekuyer has been appointed to 3 Cobalt and will be joining us from Western Australia; Belinda Hicks who will be taking 6 Charcoal is coming from the Northern Territory and Tina Bruce who will be taking 1 Ochre. Tina is a local.
We congratulate all three teachers on their appointment and look forward to them sharing their skills and experience with us next year.
Year 6 Celebrations
On Wednesday we held the Farewell Mass for our year six students followed by the Graduation Dinner at the Canberra Racecourse. Both were special events and should be long remembered by those that were present. For the first time, with the help of the parish, we were able to live stream the Farewell Mass.
I pass on my thanks to the many people who helped with either of the celebrations. Your efforts were greatly appreciated.
Carols Night
Unfortunately, the Carols Night that we had planned has been cancelled due to the wet weather. The evening will not be able to be re-scheduled due to our performers being fully booked for other celebrations. We will still be judging the best Christmas bauble & winners will be announced next week.
God Bless
Peter Hughes