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- Principal's Message Term 3 Week 1 - 2023
- Signum Fidei Immersion in Fiji
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Irwin House Celebration
- Save The Date - Year 3 & 4 Musical
- Term 1 Sport Days
- Student Spotlight
- The Reading Room K - 2 - Penny Brown
- The Reading Room 3 - 6 - Kelly Boyton
- MTS Netball
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 3 Week 1 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
- Mrs Bernadette Matthew into 3 Sapphire.
- Mrs Samantha Burgess into 5 Silver and will be working Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mr Craig Hart will be teaching in 5 Silver each Wednesday for the next few weeks.
- Mrs Danielle Cooper who will be teaching in 5 Pearl each Monday and Tuesday to allow Mrs Cathereine Blackwell to fulfill her leadership responsibilities.
Other Term 3 arrangments
- Mr Andrew Keighran will continue in 5 Ivory until the end of next week. We are still endeavouring to recruit staff. Parents will be advised next week of possible plans should a full-time teacher not be employed
- Miss Sophia Caputo will be away for another week travelling with family. Mrs Therese Cronin will be taking the class during that time.
- Miss Rebecca Cartwright will be away for two more weeks travelling overseas. Mrs Alanna Grant will be covering the class.
- Mr Kieran Russell will be away all Week 3 as he will be managing the ACT State Representative Team – 12&U Rugby League competing in Townsville
- Mrs Kate O'Keefe is heading to Hobart in Week 3 as she is coaching the ACT State Representative Team – 12&U Hockey competing in Hobart
- From Week 7, Mr Craig Hart will be accessing some well-earned LSL to travel. He will be away until late in Term 4.
I will be away in Week 3 and part of Week 4 as I am travelling to Brisbane to meet up with my brother and family who are flying in from Canada. I have not seen them since just prior to COVID; I had hoped to be visiting them regularly in Calgary over the last four years, which never happened. I am very much looking forward to catching up with the family and experiencing warmer weather.
Are You Leaving MTS
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for 2024.
Student Behaviour Expectations
ELC refurbishment and car park arrangements - UPDATE
With the ELC refurbishment to commence this week I am expecting disruptions to our drop-off and pick-up zone, at the front of the school. This will mean that ELC parents will need to park in the car park and school afternoon pick-up for everyone will be at the back of the school near the covered walkway.
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Signum Fidei Immersion in Fiji
Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn and ACU La Salle Academy lead a mission to Suva, Fiji in July. The purpose of the mission was to develop an individual's skills in planning, leading, and evaluating student ministry experiences within Catholic schools and other Church communities and to further their understanding of Catholic schools as centres of evangelisation. The mission included an Oceania Evangelisation School and school visits in Suva and surrounds to run High School and Primary School retreats.
We congratulate Tina Bruce who took part in the program and spent the last 9 days, including part of her holidays in Fiji. Tina expressed that it was a powerful and rewarding experience that not only inspired and strengthened her own faith but also the knowledge of others.
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
The theme for Term 3 is Sustainability and will be closely aligned with the encyclical, Laudato Si', in which Pope Francis asks us to be kind to the environment by living simpler lifestyles. We don’t need so much “stuff”, we only need what is necessary to live and be comfortable.
“…approximately a third of all food produced is discarded, and whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor.”
(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ n 50)
- What can you do at home and at school to be kind to the environment?
- Can you live more simply when you go shopping for clothes, toys and food?
- What about when you have special celebrations/events at home and at school?
Thank you to all those parents who have completed the enrolment process. Please ensure you:
- Attend mass this weekend and collect your Mass Booklet and first puzzle piece.
- Have made your online payment or cash handed in at the Parish.
Year A | Sunday 23 July | green
“Let them grow together until the harvest.”
Something to Think About
Jesus tells us to accept people and not judge or criticise them.
Every person is capable of good deeds and bad deeds. Only God truly knows a person’s heart.
The Story
A man sows good seed in his field but during the night an enemy comes and plants weeds. They both grow together, the good and the bad. The servants want to pull up the weeds immediately, but the wise farmer tells them to wait. He is worried that if they pull the weeds, they might also pull some of the wheat. He tells them to let the weeds and the wheat grow together side by side until harvest time.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Kinder | All Kinder | All Kinder | |||
Year 1 | All Year 1 | All Year 1 | |||
Year 2 | All Year 2 | All Year 2 | |||
Year 3 | 3 Saphirre |
3 Aqua 3 Cobalt 3 Turquoise |
All Year 3 |
Year 4 | 4 Amythest | All Year 4 |
4 Violet 4 Magenta 4 Indigo |
Year 5 |
5 Ivory 5 Platinum |
All Year 5 |
5 Pearl 5 Silver |
Year 6 | All Year 6 |
6 Ink 6 Ebony 6 Onyx |
6 Charcoal |
MTS Netball Club is excited to announce that we have been successful in securing an $8000 grant from Woolworths. One of the main areas where the grant money will be spent is to support our coaches. The coaching positions for each of our 11 teams are made up entirely of parent volunteers, some of which have played netball in the past, while some have relied on YouTube tutorials (Go Adders and Coach Macca!!) to learn the basics. To ensure our volunteers feel supported and appreciated, our club plans to use some of the grant money to send our coaching volunteers to training clinics and courses to further their knowledge and skills. The knowledge they acquire will no doubt flow down to our players. The grant will also assist our club in expanding our ball and shoe recycling programs to the Canberra Netball Association with designated bins to be available from 2024.