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- Principal's Message Term 3 Week 2 - 2023
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- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
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- The Reading Room 3 - 6 - Kelly Boyton
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Principal's Message Term 3 Week 2 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
- Rebecca Hunter who will commence in 5 Ivory on Monday. Rebecca has taken a contract to the end of the year. Rebecca comes with a wealth of experience and is looking forward to joining the team.
Staff Leaving
- Following an application lodged over 18 months ago with the Public Service and an offer made yesterday, we will now be farewelling Mrs Angela Connelly, at the end of Week 6. Angela has been working at Mother Teresa School for the past 13 years and has been teaching for 23. While an extremely passionate teacher she felt it was time to explore other options, knowing she can always return to teaching. The position will be advertised next week.
- Mr Andrew Keighran and Miss Therese Cronin formally left MTS today. We wish them both safe travels as they venture overseas.
Staff Away Week 3
- Miss Rebecca Cartwright will be away for one more week travelling overseas. Mrs Alanna Grant will continue to cover the class.
- Mr Kieran Russell will be away all Week 3 as he will be managing the ACT State Representative Team – 12&U Rugby League competing in Townsville. Mrs Hayley Cuttle will be taking the class from Wednesday to Friday. We are still putting in place arrangements for Monday and Tuesday.
- Mrs Kate O'Keefe is heading to Hobart in Week 3 as she is coaching the ACT State Representative Team – 12&U Hockey competing in Hobart
- From Week 7, Mr Craig Hart will be accessing some well-earned LSL to travel. He will be away until late in Term 4.
- I will be away next week and part of Week 4 as I am travelling to Brisbane to meet up with my brother and family who are flying in from Canada. I have not seen them since just prior to COVID; I had hoped to be visiting them regularly in Calgary over the last four years, which never happened. I am very much looking forward to catching up with the family and experiencing warmer weather.
School Fees
We are still waiting on Catholic Education to release the school fees. I am now hoping it will be during this coming week.
NAPLAN Results
The NAPLAN results were distributed yesterday. Please check your child's bag for the envelope. Any questions please direct them to your child's teacher.
Are You Leaving MTS
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for 2024.
Student Behaviour Expectations
ELC refurbishment and car park arrangements - UPDATE
The ELC refurbishment commenced this week and will continue through to the end of the year. I am expecting continued disruptions to our drop-off and pick-up zone, at the front of the school. This will mean that ELC parents will need to park in the car park and school afternoon pick-up for everyone will be at the back of the school near the covered walkway.
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
The theme for Term 3 is Sustainability and will be closely aligned with the encyclical, Laudato Si', in which Pope Francis asks us to be kind to the environment by living simpler lifestyles. We don’t need so much “stuff”, we only need what is necessary to live and be comfortable.
“…approximately a third of all food produced is discarded, and whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor.”
(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ n 50)
- What can you do at home and at school to be kind to the environment?
- Can you live more simply when you go shopping for clothes, toys and food?
- What about when you have special celebrations/events at home and at school?
Thank you, 6 Ebony and 6 Onyx, along with their teachers, Mrs Boyton, Mrs Tanchevski, and Mrs Binet for a beautiful and moving Prayer Focus to celebrate Sustainability @ MTS which is our focus for Term 3.
The students shared a lovely Creation Psalm to help the students understand the ‘Wonder and Awe of God’s creation. They sang the song “Heal The World”, which was very moving. Finally, they explained the ways in which Mother Teresa School is putting sustainability into practice. Thank you to all the parents and friends who came along to support the students.
Please pray for our Year 3 teachers and students who are currently preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Thank you to all our families that attended Mass last weekend and collected the student Mass Booklet. They are available for collection in the church foyer if you did not collect them last week.
This weekend Fr Troy will be inviting those students who are preparing for their First Holy Communion to gather round the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer. Thank you to all those parents who have completed the enrolment process. Please ensure you:
- Don’t forget to bring your item for the St Vincent de Paul.
- Attend mass this weekend and collect your second puzzle piece.
- Finalise your online payment or cash handed in at the Parish. Thank you!
"He sold all that he had and bought that field."
Something to Think About
What do you treasure in your life? What is of great value to you?
The Story
This week we hear Jesus tell the disciples that the Kingdom is like finding a treasure in a field. Whoever finds it will go to extraordinary lengths to buy the field so that the treasure is theirs forever. Then he gives the people another example: the kingdom is like finding some lovely pearls and selling everything to buy those pearls of great value.
Last Friday, Year 6 were lucky enough to have Matisse Letherbarrow and Matilda McDonell from the GWS Giants Netball team visit them. The students had a Q&A session with the girls where they got an insight into the life of a professional netballer. It was a wonderful experience for the students to meet some of their netballing idols.

Congratulations to Riley G (Year 6) on being selected to represent the ACT at the upcoming Australian Netball Championships in Perth in September.

MTS Community Council News & Events
Scholastic Book Club
The Issue 5 catalogue is now available. The cut-off date for orders is on Saturday 5th August.
Parents can order online via the LOOP parent portal on the Scholastic website, no orders or cash will be accepted by the school. Late orders are charged a flat rate for home postage.
Books will be delivered to children in their classroom once they arrive at the school. Parents concerned about missing, misplaced or damaged orders are advised to wait until the catalogue is closed and use the home postage option. MTS Community Council parent volunteers will be running the Book Club, so please ensure any inquiries are directed to them via the office email.
Scholastic Book Club – call for volunteers
The MTS Community Council would love to add some more volunteers to their Scholastic Book Club team.
Duties include sorting catalogues for classes and then sorting books and delivering them to students in their classes. This can take anywhere from ½ to 2 hours depending on the size of the order. Due to the random delivery dates of catalogues and books, we would love to assemble a team that can cover all days of the week so books are distributed as soon as possible.
If you are available to help, please email the school office with your name, contact phone number, and which days of the week you would be free during school hours to assist.