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Principal's Message Term 3 Week 5 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Staffing News
Congratulations to Mrs Karen Garrity on her Acting Principal appointment while Mr Craig Hart is on leave from next Friday.
Next Friday we will farewell Angela Connolly who has worked at Mother Teresa School for the past 13 years. While very sad to be leaving Angela knows in her heart that it was time to spread her wings and try something different. Teaching is in her blood and maybe one day will return.
Bottle Rocket Final
The final launch of our bottle rockets will now take place on Monday 21 at 12:40pm. Parents are invited to attend to watch this spectacular finale to Science Week.
Book Week Parade
Our parade will occur on Wednesday 23 August following the morning assembly on the artificial grass area; weather permitting. Parents are most welcome to stay to watch the morning parade. Hope you have your costume ready!
Boorowa Registration Now Closed
Registration for participation in the Boorowa Netball and Touch Carnival has now closed. Thank you to all the parents who have offered to assist on the day. Mr Kieran Russell will be in touch with parents in the coming weeks regarding further arrangements.
Return to Dance Fever - School Disco!
Our school disco is booked in with information to be published next week regarding session times and cost. Save the day - Friday 15 September.
Japanese Performance
Jam on Toast
School Fees
School fees were sent out by Catholic Education on Tuesday. We are waiting to hear from Catholic Education when the building fund contribution will be sent out. This will be billed separately.
Fees were sent to both guardians, if you did not receive the statement could you please check Compass to ensure the correct email address has been entered and update it accordingly.
Are You Leaving MTS
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for 2024.
Student Behaviour Expectations
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
Our value for the next two weeks is: Resilience.
Resilience is what helps us to spring back from hard times—just like a bouncy ball. No matter how hard you throw it, it always bounces back up.
At Mother Teresa School we will show resilience when we:
- Have a positive self-image
- Respond flexibly to situations
- Manage emotions
- Balance interaction and reflection
Please pray for our Year 3 teachers and students who are currently preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
This weekend the students are invited to bring their forgiveness hearts along to share with the congregation as they prepare to make their First Reconciliation. Don’t forget to bring an item for the Food Pantry and collect your jigsaw puzzle piece.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The students were amazing and so reverent. They sang beautifully and Fr Eden commented on how beautifully the students sang and what a good job our readers did! Thank you to all those parents and friends who came along and supported the celebration of the Assumption. It was wonderful to have you all there.
Please save the date:
St Teresa of Calcutta
School Feast Day Tuesday 5th September
Liturgy hosted By Year 6 Ink & Charcoal
This year we will be doing things a little differently to ensure the true spirit of St Teresa of Calcutta is celebrated in the humble way in which she would appreciate.
Students will be required to wear ‘odd socks’ and BRING A GOLD COIN DONATION. Not to go out and purchase any new items but to be in solidarity with those who do not have much. The money saved can be donated to ‘Catholic Mission’ instead.
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 August 2023 - Year A
“Woman, your faith is great.”
Something to Think About
What does it mean to have faith?
The Story
The woman in this story is a stranger and a foreigner, but she asks Jesus for help. Firstly, Jesus doesn’t answer her, but she asks again. Jesus reminds the woman that he was sent only to the people of Israel. The disciples try to send her away, but she doesn’t give up. She displays great faith, more faith, in fact than the disciples ever show! Jesus notices the woman’s faith and he changes his mind. Jesus gives her what she wants. The woman’s daughter is healed.
MTS Community Council News & Events
Save the Date for the MTS ‘School Disco’ Friday 15th September.
More information to follow in the school newsletter about the disco- cost and what to expect.
The Community Council will be hosting a Parents Cheese and Chat- opportunity for parents of senior students in years 3-6 to come together while the children enjoy the disco.
*We intend to provide a similar opportunity for younger grades parents to get together later in the term.