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- Principal's Message Term 4 Week 4 - 2023
- Remembrance Day Assembly Invitation
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- New Community Council Charter from 2024
- Save The Date - Mother Teresa School Christmas Carols
- Class Awards Week 4
- 2023 Year Book
- MTS Book Fair
- Tech Talk with Mrs Macarthur
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Principal's Message Term 4 Week 4 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Year 5 Camp - The Weekly Highlight!
Our campers have had a wonderful time and will have so many stories to share about the many experiences they encountered. Thank you to the team of teachers for providing the experience and to Catherine Blackwell for all the coordination required to arrange a school camp. More photos next week.
Car Park
In the next two weeks, new markings and signs will be added to our school car park to help with parking and to improve the flow of traffic. Look out for the new signage coming.
Are You Leaving MTS
We are still receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for 2024.
Student Behaviour Expectations
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’, we are learning about how we can all be saints.
Thank you, Year 6 and especially those students in CSYMA and Jackman, along with Mrs Tanchevski for a moving Prayer Focus to celebrate when the Church remembers and honours those who have died, those we pray to and those we pray for. We think of Jesus our friend, our teacher, and our leader. We call ourselves his followers. We want to be the best followers, listening to him and doing good like him. The students lead the school in the beautiful Beatitudes Song, which reinforced how we can be the salt of the earth when we live the Beatitudes. A video of Blessed Carlo Acutis a Millennial role model of the faith was shown to the who school.
Year A | Sunday 5 November | green
“The scribes and the Pharisees do not practise what they preach.”
Something to Think About
If you were in charge of the world, what rules would you create? Why would these rules be important?
The Story
Jesus referred to the religious leaders as hypocrites - people who said one thing and did something different. Jesus criticises them for showing off, acting important, taking the best seats, and having people call them by fancy titles. Jesus encourages his listeners to be humble, to put others first, and to place God before all else.
Dear Families,
You may have noticed the Seesaw app has a fresh new app icon. Don’t worry, the way you use the app is still the same. You can now update to the newest version of the iOS or Android app to see this change. If you access Seesaw via the website,, the updates are automatic. I’ve attached the image of the new icon so you can become familiar with it.
With the help of Vicki, our Community Liasion Officer, we have planned several events to help connect families in our community.
Small steps that we hope will grow.
Cuppa and Chat - Tuesday 7 November
Weekend Picnic in the Park