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- Principal's Message Term 4 Week 7 - 2023
- 2023 Roger O'Sullivan Memorial Award
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Class Awards Week 7
- Save The Date - Mother Teresa School Christmas Carols
- Community Council News and Events
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- MTS Netball
- Tech Talk with Mrs Macarthur
- Counsellor's Corner with Ryoko Koyasu
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- New Community Council Charter from 2024
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 4 Week 7 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Congratulations to Gemma Francis who will be taking over from Karen Garrity in the role of Learning Diverse Team Coordinator in 2024. This is a wonderful appointment as Gemma has a wealth of knowledge about our families. She has a real passion and deep comment to support the learning and emotional needs of our children. This does mean Gemma will not be teaching in Year 1 and a reconsideration of the grades teachers will be teaching in 2024. We have had to advertise for a teacher in 2024.
Appointments can be made by ringing Community Health Intake on 51249977.
If parents have any questions, they can ring the School Health Team office on 51241585.Car Park Signage
Please observe the new signage around the school car park areas; especially the areas that are drop-off, 5 minute parking only or no parking. There are also several parks designated for parents, in the main car park, especially for use during the day.
A reminder that the last day of preschool for all students is Thursday the 14 December. On Friday our preschool staff will participate in Professional Development.
If you require care during the holidays, please contact Kids Biz.
Phone 0439 927 053 (Administration) or 0450 722 173 (Mother Teresa Co-Ordinator)
click here for the Kids Biz website
Office Hours: 8:30am – 6:00pm (Monday to Friday)
We are still receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for 2024.
Student Behaviour Expectations
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
- We believe in and love Jesus.
- Live with honesty and integrity.
- Be patient with others and make peace.
- Give of our unique talents, time, and money and
- Be consistently kind.
Year A | Sunday 26 November | white
“The Son of Man will sit upon his seat of glory and he will separate all into two groups.”
Something to Think About
What do you think God’s kingdom is like?
How do people treat each other in God’s kingdom?
The Story
Jesus tells us that an important quality for people in God’s kingdom is a compassionate care for others. Jesus wants us to show our care for other people in real and meaningful ways. He says that when we show kindness to another person, it’s just as if we were showing that kindness to Jesus himself! This is what is most important in God’s kingdom.
Save The Date - Mother Teresa School Christmas Carols
Community Council News and Events
The MTS Community Council Fundraising Committee are seeking donations of prizes for the upcoming Christmas Raffle.
Please deliver donations to the Front Office or contact if you would like someone to collect from you.
With the help of Vicki, our Community Liasion Officer, we have planned several events to help connect families in our community.
Small steps that we hope will grow.
Cuppa and Chat - Tuesday 28 November
Please see below for live webinars from the e-safety Commissioner for this term. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences. To register for these webinars and other dates later in the year please go to
Counsellor's Corner with Ryoko Koyasu
What is a growth mindset?
A growth mindset is a belief or assumption that intelligence, personality, and abilities are learnable and capable of improvement through effort. On the other hand, a fixed mindset is a belief that these same traits are inherently stable and unchangeable over time (Dweck, 2006 as cited in Larberg & Sherlin, 2021).
Why is it important?
When children have a growth mindset, they believe can gain knowledge and skills necessary to succeed, which makes every challenge a learning opportunity. They will become resilient and humble and take on new challenges in a positive way.
How to help children develop a growth mindset: Praising children: Encourage your child to explore new things despite the fear of failing, embarrassment or being looked down by others. When they can, praise them. “I know you were worried about this assignment, but you gave it a go and did not give up!” Noticing the process of their journey: Children feel more motivated if their each process is appreciated and acknowledged. “I like how you listened to your coach’s feedback and tried a new way.” Whenever you see these character strength in your child, notice and celebrate.
- Effort to build new skills
- Motivation to challenge obstacles
- Ability to accept criticism
- Desires to learn
- Finding inspiration in other’s success
After each task, try to take a time to practice reflection. Reflection gives us insight on what happened, how it happened, how you felt, what you learnt, what you would do differently in future.
You can model by changing your language.
Larberg, J. L., & Sherlin, L. H. (2021). Grit and Growth Mindset Contribution to School Counselling Services. SAGE Open, 11(2), 215824402110145–.