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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 6 2024
- School Fees
- NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5
- Student Counselling Support Referral
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News - Sacrament of Confirmation and Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Parish News - Warm Clothing Appeal
- Parish News - Easter Mass
- Class Awards Week 6 - Be Courageous
- Community Council News and Events
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 1 Week 6 2024
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Leadership Assembly
The Year 6 Leadership Assembly today acknowledged the important role that student leadership plays each year at Mother Teresa School. With this responsibility comes an expectation to set an example that permeates throughout the school.
Our four house groups will rotate roles and responsibilities throughout the year, including School Support, Media Support, Sport Support and Social Justice.
It was St Mary MacKillop that was quoted as saying "Never see a need without doing something about it". It is this selflessness, combined with stewardship, that will drive our leaders to do great things in 2024.
Michelle Mitchell Visit
This week parents from Years 4-6 and students in Year 5 had the pleasure of listening to presentations from Michelle Mitchell. Michelle is an award-winning speaker, and bestselling parenting author. She shared valuable information with our parents on the best ways to talk to their children about changes associated with puberty as well as many other pieces of grounded, research-based advice. The Year 5 students were engaged with her special way of delivering very important information about changes they will experience as they move through puberty.
If you would like further information about Michelle or to have a look at any of her books please visit:
A reminder to all parents and students about the presentation of our school uniform. It is important that students representing Mother Teresa School are wearing the correct uniform for designated days. Please refer to the uniform policy featured in this edition of our newsletter for more information.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Bookings are open for Term 1 Parent Teacher Conferences for Years 1 to 6. These can be located in the 'conference' tab within the COMPASS portal. These commence on March 18th.
Carmel Away
Carmel has been away at a conference this week and will respond to emails and other forms of correspondence next week.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Craig Hart
Assistant Principal
Mother Teresa School, Harrison
Phone: 62415604
As you are aware, Catholic Education implemented a new finance system across the Archdiocese last year (you will have noticed new style statements issued monthly, along with a new Bpay reference for your family).
The next stage of the implementation involves changes in the way families are invoiced. Catholic Education will publish primary school fees as one amount per child from now on. CE sibling discounts are calculated and automatically applied to your account by CE, using information held in the system database (Compass). Camps will be invoiced by the school through our Compass Event payment system.
I understand billing is slightly different for systemic high schools.
Voluntary Building Fund
As per previous communication, Building Fund is no longer automatically invoiced to family accounts.
- An email will be sent from email address. This is an authentic CECG email address and is not SPAM.
- An Opt-In email will be sent to both parents and take the result chosen by the first parent. Split families will receive separate emails for their split %
- Each family will be requested to either select “Yes” or “No” regarding their intention to contribute to the Building Fund.
- The amount and frequency will be locked to $210 per Term, however, an additional area has been included that will enable a family to contribute an additional amount if they wish to do so.
- Families can amend the Receipt details if they are contributing, i.e., for tax purposes.
Mother Teresa School Fees 2024
The Catholic Education Office determines the Archdiocesan School Fees for 2024. The school retains only a small portion of this fee. The Catholic Education Office retains the majority of the collected amount. Fees are structured in two parts.
CATHOLIC EDUCATION FEES per child per year Kinder to Year 6 $3858.00
Discounts apply for second and subsequent children in systemic primary schools and when a sibling attends one of the following systemic secondary colleges: St John Paul College, Merici College, St Clare's College, St Francis Xavier College and St Mary MacKillop College.
Please note that Marist, St Edmund's and Daramalan Colleges are NOT systemic schools and no discounts apply when older siblings attend these schools.
Fee Remission
Parents experiencing significant financial difficulties may apply for assistance with fees. The application form is available on request from the Principal or Finance Manager. Applications will be assessed using guidelines set by Catholic Education. All applications are kept in strictest confidence. A fee remission is only valid for the calendar year of application.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding school fees for 2024, please do not hesitate to contact Carmel Maguire or Donna Betts
A helpful guide to the Mother Teresa School 2024 Fees reflecting discounts
The preferred payment method for school fees is Bpay. You may choose to set up a recurring weekly, fortnightly or monthly Bpay payment. You will find our Bpay Biller Code and your individual Reference Number on your statement. Other payment methods are EFTPOS, Credit Card or CompassPay.
Student Counselling Support Referral
Student Support Referral
To assist our families in accessing the best support available through Mother Teresa School, we are setting up the following process to assist with referrals and the most appropriate use of our resources.
- Enquiry (teacher or parent) – Request a referral form from the office and return to the Principal
- The Principal will talk with you and guide you to appropriate support
Support types:
- Diverse Learning Teacher and team,
- Student welfare officer (individual or small group guidance and/or mentoring support),
- Defence School Mentor,
- School counselling (individual or small group)
- External agencies
If school counselling is recommended the School Counsellor will contact the parents and go through the online CatholicCare referral process if school counselling is suitable. Our School Counsellors, are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to speak with parents or to work with the students who may be suitable for school counselling.
It is the CatholicCare and Mother Teresa School’s policy that the counsellor always contacts parents before meeting with any child.
Our new Counsellors are
- Cameron Day - Mondays to Wednesdays
- Nik Nur Shuhaimi - Fridays
A referral is required each new school year. Please return to the Principal.
A message from Cameron Day
Greetings Mother Teresa families. My name is Cameron Day, and I am excited to be the school counsellor this year. I am available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
I am a Social Worker with a passion for working with children, young people, and their families. I have previously worked in education, child and adolescent mental health, and acute mental health.
When I am not working, I enjoy reading, eating, spending time with my family and friends, and being physically active.
In my school counselling work, I provide short-term, client-centred support to students, drawing from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused, Mindfulness and Trauma-informed approaches in a developmentally appropriate context.
I look forward to working with you all this year.
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is 'COME HOLY SPIRIT' and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Acts: 15-28
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
We will show the value of Unity towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by:
having harmony in the group
- doing something together at the same time
- working together with a shared goal
- respecting everyone
- making big tasks seem easy.
- creating a sense of belonging and increasing well-being for all.
- having fun and makes us feel like a family.
Thank you to our Year 6 teachers and students who presented a fabulous Leadership and focus assembly on Unity. The students did an amazing job at presenting what unity looks like at MTS and how they are going to lead the school by living our motto ‘Do Small things With Great Love’.
Our Year 6 students were presented to the school where they pledged their commitment to serve Mother Teresa School and the roles that they will fulfill this year.
Thank you to the parents who attended the enrolment & Commissioning masses. Please ensure these forms for enrolment along with a copy of the baptismal certificate are returned to the church.
The online form to select the date for your candidate's Confirmation went live from Thursday 7 March.
Please note: The number of candidates for the Mother Teresa School Confirmations are capped at 30 candidates per Confirmation. NOTE: Friday 24 has been filled
The online form can be accessed via this link:
or by scanning this QR code:
Please complete this form by 07 April, to allow for seating plans to be made. As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the preparations for Confirmation.
The online registration has closed please ensure you have made your payment to the Parish. Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers, and families as they embark on this important time in their faith journey.
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We invite all families to contribute by sending in the envelops each Friday. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations. Remember that it is not how much we give, but the compassion that accompanies our giving.
Thank you for your generous contributions. This week we raised $382.55 A total of $835.20 so far

This week, Project Compassion brings us the story of Memory, who lives in Malawi.
Memory is 26 years old and lives in rural Malawi. Her parents are subsistence farmers: only able to grow just enough food to survive. It was hard for Memory but she knew that education was her best chance of breaking the cycle of poverty.

With the support of Caritas Australia’s local partner in Malawi, Memory undertook a three-year carpentry course. She received assistance with paying for her course and with boarding fees.
Memory became the first female carpenter from her village!
Today, Memory works as a carpenter at a hydroelectric power station. She gives some of the money she earns to her parents to help support her family.
In the future, Memory wants to build a house for her parents and own her own workshop to support and employ others in her community.
4th Sunday of Lent 10 March 2024 - Year B
“God sent his Son into the world that we might be saved through him.”
Something to Think About
God loved the people in the world so much, that he gave his only Son, Jesus, to save them. Think about someone you love… if you could give them anything, what would it be?
The Story
In this week’s gospel, Jesus talks about the never-ending love of God. Jesus says that everyone who believes in God will have eternal life. He assures his listeners that God is not interested in judging people for their mistakes, but instead wants to save them. No matter what we do or where we go, God will be there helping us, loving us, and welcoming us home.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet REC
Parish News - Sacrament of Confirmation and Sacrament of Reconciliation
Children’s Sacramental Program 2024
Sacrament of Confirmation
@ Holy Spirit Church, 93 Burdekin Ave, Amaroo
The online form to select the date for your candidate's Confirmation went live from Thursday 07 March.
Please note: The number of candidates for the Mother Teresa School Confirmations are capped at 30 candidates per Confirmation. NOTE: Friday is FULL
The online form can be accessed via this link:
or by scanning this QR code:
Please complete this form by 07 April, to allow for seating plans to be made. As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the preparations for Confirmation.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please email if you have any questions.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
24 & 25 May 2024. For MTS students
Sacrament of Reconciliation
For children in Year 3 and above wishing to receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation in 2024. Information sessions will be held on
Tuesday 3 September at the church.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
12, 13, 14 November 2024.
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be in Year 4 in 2025
For more details, please visit our website:
Community Council News and Events
Coffee & Chat is on again on Wednesday 13 March at Wildbark Café in Throsby. See attached flyer for more details.
Carly Flemington our Defence Mentor will be there to welcome new and existing Defence families.

Easter Raffle Fundraiser - Call for Donations 12 March - 20 March
It’s Easter Raffle time for our first Community Council Fundraiser for 2024 and we need your help as a school community to create lots of Eggcellent prizes to help us spoil some lucky MTS families for this Easter celebration!
To help create our Easter hamper prizes, we welcome all donations of Easter eggs, Easter rabbit, Bilby or other Easter treats to the value of no more than $5.00.
Please bring in your very kind donation to class and the Year 6 students will collect donations each morning from Tuesday 12 March until Wednesday 20 March. Members of the Community Council will then assemble gift hampers for display in the front office.
Tickets are $1 each to be purchased through the QKR! app with more information on ticket sales to come shortly.
The Raffle prizes will be drawn on Wednesday 27 March at the class morning lines.
Thank you in advance for your support, we look forward to the EGGcitement this raffle creates through the school.