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- Principal's Message Term 3 Week 8 2024
- MTS Olympic Trivia Night - Saturday 21 September
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- LET’S BE HONEST! Parish Survey 2024
- Class Awards - Term 3 Week 8
- Wally Masur Cup Tennis Tournament
- School Road Safety - Part Way is OK!
- Tech Talk with Mrs Macarthur
- Community Council News
- Protective Behaviour Program
- MTS Netball Club News
- Supporting Our Amazing Multicultural Community
- Gungahlin Little Athletics - Come and Try Day - Sunday 15 September
- Tennis - Come and Try Day - Saturday 21 September
- Water Polo ACT
- Extra Curricular Activities at MTS
- Community Service Announcements
- School Holiday Activities
Principal's Message Term 3 Week 8 2024
Dear Parents,
It has been lovely to be back connecting with the children, staff, and parents. I cannot believe we only have two weeks until the end of term. Please continue to keep Maryanne Hawes and her family in your prayers as they gather on Monday in Braidwood to celebrate the life of her mother Cathy Ffrench. Anyone wishing to leave a card for the family can do so at the office, to be passed on to the family. We have a group of nine staff attending the funeral to represent the Mother Teresas School Community.
Staffing News
Next week we welcome back Erin O'Leary who has been recovering from treatment. We all look forward to her return, especially the children. Thank you to Miss Katrina Livanes for covering the class for the last few weeks. Katrina will continue to do relief at Mother Teresa into Term 4.
Mrs Amy Slaven will be taking up her position as Director of our ELC from Tuesday 24 September (Week 10). We are finalising arrangements for our new Kinder teacher to commence at the beginning of Term 4. Next week Amy Slaven will be attending a conference for ELC Directors from Tuesday to Friday in Brisbane. On Tuesdays to Thursdays in Weeks 9 and 10 Mrs Kim Harris will be covering the class.
Rostrum Grand Final
Good luck to Xavier Johnson (6 Onyx) who will represent Mother Teresa School next Monday night at the ACT Rostrum Grand Final. This is a prestigious honour and a great achievement to get to this level of the competition.
Bike Riding Years 4-6
Just a reminder for all those students in Years 4-6 who signed up for bike riding to bring their bikes and helmets every Friday. Students will ride to a local park where they will have some supervised playtime before riding back to school. This is a great way to stay active and enjoy the spring weather however we need more students participating to keep the program running.
ELC Art Show
Congratulations to our ELC staff and amazing ELC artists. It was a great evening on Thursday night with the children displaying their amazing artistic talent. Thank you for your generous donations.
Year Book Sales Commence Next Week via Qkr! - stay posted
God Bless,
Carmel Maguire
MTS Olympic Trivia Night - Saturday 21 September
Have you booked your table? Can we make a table from each grade or even each class? A great way to meet other parents while having a laugh and some fun.
Get your team together or book a seat for the MTS Olympic Trivia Night.
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘COME HOLY SPIRIT’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme that: We are called to Innovate.
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14
Our value for the next week is: RESPECT.
We can show this the Mother Teresa School way by:
- Treating people the way we want to be treated
- Playing by the rules and taking turns
- Telling the truth
- Listening to other people’s ideas
- Being considerate of other people’s feelings
Thank you, Mrs Fraser, Ms Higgins and the amazing Kinder Scarlet for a beautiful and moving Focus Assembly on Respect. The students shared some great insights into how we show respect at Mother Teresa School and sang a lovely song called ‘Do to Others’. Thank you to the friends and family who came along to lend their support.
A heartfelt thank you to all the families who participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was truly wonderful to see such a strong presence at the various liturgies. Congratulations to the children, and a sincere thanks to the parents, teachers, and students for the time and effort spent preparing for this significant Sacrament.
The students approached the experience with great reverence, fully understanding its importance. The Gospel reading of the ‘Loving Father’ beautifully illustrates God’s love and His unwavering desire to welcome back those who have strayed. In recent weeks, the students have been reflecting with their parents and teachers on the impact of their choices, both good and bad, and how these decisions can affect others.
Your parents love you and want the best for you, and we can achieve that by opening our hearts to Jesus.
Many thanks to all who made this occasion so special:
- Father Troy who was so welcoming of the children and their families and whose homily so aptly captured the significance of Reconciliation in our lives today.
- Fr Eden who has played a big role in helping prepare the students for
Reconciliation at Mother Teresa School - The teachers, Maryanne Hawes, Sophia Caputo, Bec Cartwright & Allicia van der Sanden who prepared the students so well for this sacrament
- Mel Unwin our Sacramental Preparation Officer who ensured all aspects of the registration was completed
- The parents who have supported their child in this important step in their faith journey
Something to Think About
How do people show that they believe in God? What sorts of things do they do? How do they act towards others? How do they speak to others?
The Story
In today’s story, Jesus tells us that we must take up our cross and follow him. In Jesus’ time, a criminal would carry a large wooden cross that was bigger than an adult person. The wooden crosses were heavy and difficult to carry. Jesus didn’t mean we should carry a real cross. He meant that following Jesus would not be easy. He meant that we should obey Jesus even when we don’t feel like it and even when it is really hard.
Click to watch the video:
Anne Leet
Religious Education Co-ordinator
LET’S BE HONEST! Parish Survey 2024
Dear Parents and Teachers,
Holy Spirit Parish, your parish, needs your frank and fearless advice!
We want to do everything we can to support you and our whole community on our journey of faith.
What do you like about your parish experience? What don’t you like about it? How could we do better? What can we do to support you?
We are running a survey to find out and we would dearly love you to fill it in.
It is completely anonymous - so you can be comfortable to share your opinions and honestly tell us what would work for you and your family.
You can complete the survey via this link:
Thank you very much for taking the time and you can be sure that we will share the results with you as soon as we can.
Fr Troy
Parish Priest
Wally Masur Cup Tennis Tournament
School Road Safety - Part Way is OK!
By allowing your child to walk, ride or scoot to school, you’re doing your bit to reduce traffic congestion around school gates, making it safer for everyone and helping reduce risk of injury.
Part way is ok! Is your child ready to walk, ride or scoot to school but it is too far; or there are major road crossings to be negotiated? Have you considered drop-off points away from the school gate which provide safe, convenient footpath access to the school grounds? Your school has a map which shows where your local part way drop off points are. This can prevent your frustration with the traffic chaos at the school gate and allow your child to start the day the right way – with some moderate-level exercise, arriving at school energised and attentive. You will save time by avoiding the crawling school-zone traffic. A calmer start to your day and a benefit for your child. Who can say no to that!

Second Hand Uniform Shop
The Second Hand Uniform shop is run by the MTS Community Council in the school hall.
This term the shop will be operating Wednesday and Friday from 8:45am to 9:15am, with payment by QKR! app and cash. The QKR! by Mastercard app can be dowloaded via Apple or Google store.
Please ensure your car is off the basketball court by 8.50am as we must close and lock the gates for safety.
Donations of uniforms that have no rips or stains and are freshly washed are always welcome to be dropped off at the front office.
This term our school will be teaching Protective Behaviours to students using current resources from the Daniel Morcombe Curriculum and Education 2 Empower Publishing. We understand the content of Protective Behaviours can be confronting for some students and we are therefore keen to ensure there is an opportunity for families to engage with the contact before lessons are taught. To achieve this an overview of the program is attached and weekly updates will be provided.
Supporting Our Amazing Multicultural Community
To support our families there are two programs families may be interested in. The first is Vinnies Kids Club. See flier
The second initiative is a program to support our new-to-English parents and family members. We are hoping to run the program in 2025, if we receive enough interest. Please contact Sophie Dash, our EAL/D teacher, if you feel you may be interested and we can provide you with more information.
Please email or
Build Your School Community program overview. A little more information
- Participants must be 18 years and over, the program is open to interested grandparents.
- The program would ideally be run in the school provided we can find a suitable space
- The lessons go for 1 hour and there is the possibility of multiple sessions each week, depending on the needs of families.
- We are looking a possible childcare for little ones.
- The class size can be anywhere between 8 and 25 participants.
More information coming
Water Polo ACT have started up a schools competition.
The competition runs on a Friday night from 6-8:30pm. Students from years 3-6 are eligible to play. Please see the attached flyer for details.
If you are interested please contact