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Dear Parents,
Following a request from a parent and seeing the sunburn on Mr Roweth’s face after returning from a sporting carnival recently, the school executive examined the school’s sun smart policy. Currently students are required to wear sun hats only in Terms One and Four. After examining the ACT Cancer Council recommendations it was decided that from the start of the 2020 school year hats will need to be worn throughout the year with the exception of June and July. As the Cancer Council slogan says:
“The End of May is Hats OFF Day”
“The Beginning of August is Hats ON Again for All of Us”
We will start to encourage all students to start wearing hats from next Monday however for the 2019 school year it is not compulsory so those not wearing hats this term will not be asked to move to shaded areas. From 2020 the new policy will be enforced. The new direction was endorsed by the Community Council at this week’s meeting.
Congratulations to our senior netballers and to our oz-tag players who participated in carnivals this week. Thank you to everyone who assisted.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Willem van Galen from Kinder Rose who was the first correct winner from last week. This week’s problem is the second from this year’s Maths Challenge.
Bike Routes
Andrew lives at the south-west corner (A) of a small town which has its roads laid out on a 3 x 3 grid. His friend Beatrice lives at the north-east corner (B) of the town. Point C represents a typical road intersection.
Every day, Andrew cycles to Beatrice’s house, but always cycles north and east in some order until he reaches his destination. Here is an example.
How many routes from A to B can Andrew take that avoid C?
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Netball Gala Day
Mother Teresa School sent two teams to the North-side Gala day on Tuesday 13th August. Their dedication, sportsmanship and team work was second to none. The school should be very proud of how these young ladies conducted themselves. One of the teams made it all the way to the grand final and will get the chance to play against the best of the South-side teams in the coming weeks.
Here are some reports from some of the players
On Tuesday 2 teams netball teams went to Lyneham Netball Courts to represent Mother Teresa School for the Netball Gala Day. The Year 6 team was undefeated for the whole day until the Grand Final when they were beaten by Saint John Vianney by only 3 points! The 5/6 team also played well making it to the semi finals! Everyone agreed that the Mother Teresa teams played with admirable sportsmanship and in the grand final, other teams that MTS had played were cheering them on because of the great sportsmanship that both teams showed. Overall, the day was very enjoyable and both teams represented MTS very well!
Grace Barber
Netball gala day - MT 2
On Tuesday 2 two teams went to the netball gala day.
We both represented Mother Teresa school with good
sportsmanship and pride the Mother Teresa team 1 was
undefeated. Mother Teresa team 2 won 4 and lost 4 games we
tried to our hardest but didn’t always succeed. Until the grand
final when the Mother Teresa Team 1 versed Saint John Vianney
and lost 11-8 to SJV Smarties.
But they didn’t leave without a fight although the team was
rough they didn’t play dirty. We all enjoyed our day.

Front Office Reminders
- Absentee Notes—If your child is absent from school due to sickness, holiday or other reason, please ensure a note is submitted via Szapp, our website or provided to your child’s classroom teacher on their return.
- Sickness—If your child has been sick and has been vomiting or had diarrhoea then they must be excluded from school for at least 24 hours after the symptoms have ceased.
- School Start & Finish times
- School supervision starts at 8.15am with classes beginning at 8.45am
- Lunch break is from 11.00am to 11.55am
- Recess break is from 1.25pm-1.55pm
- School finishes at 3.00pm with supervision at car line finishing at 3.30pm.
- Parents who cannot collect their child/children by this time should arrange for after school care with Kidsbiz. In the case of any
emergency which prevents you from collecting on time, please contact us so that we can make arrangements to ensure the safety/supervision of your child/children.
- Late to school procedure:-
- If you are dropping off your child to school late please remember to sign in at the front office (any time after 9:15am).
Every student needs to have their late slip with them to hand on to their class teacher upon arrival at their classroom.
- If you are dropping off your child to school late please remember to sign in at the front office (any time after 9:15am).
- Early Pickup procedure:-
- If you are planning to collect your child early please try to let the class teacher know beforehand so that your child/children are at the front office waiting for you.
- If you have an unplanned early pickup please contact the front office and let us know what time you will be arriving so that we can have your child/children ready.
- Please remember if this happens, we will do our best to locate your child but this is not always possible especially if they are out of class or on lunch or recess breaks.
- In addition, if you are collecting your child early and you have requested they arrive at the office at a specific time, please ensure that you arrive at that time to collect them. It is not appropriate that children be removed from class to be collected and then sit at the office and wait for extended periods of time for you to arrive.
- A sign out slip will need to be completed for each child leaving the school prior to the end of the school day.