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Dear parents,
On Tuesday evening I was privileged to attend one of our year six Confirmation masses led by Fr Mark. Due to Covid-19 restrictions our year six students will be making their Confirmation over four celebrations as the church is limited to 100 people. Confirmation is the third Sacrament of initiation following on from Baptism and First Eucharist.
The Confirmation celebration I attended was very reverent and with the smaller number Father Mark was able to interact personally with all of the candidates.
I congratulate all of our year six students, whether they made their Confirmation this week or will make it next week, on the work they have done in preparing for the sacrament. I thank their parents and the year six teachers for supporting them and Mrs Leet for her work as Religious Education Coordinator at MTS. I also thank Father Mark and the parish team for the dedication and energy they have put into organising the twelve confirmation masses across the three parish primary schools.
Next Tuesday at 6pm in the staff room, the next meeting of the Community Council will take place. One of the issues to be discussed is a response from Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate regarding traffic flow in and around the school. We will look at their suggestions and communicate the outcome to parents in next week’s newsletter. All parents are welcome to attend.
Next week is Winter Walk to School Week. I know the weather is not ideal however there are great prizes to be won. When the weather begins to get warmer, it would be wonderful to see more children walking to and from school, even if it is from a drop off point, as well as children cycling. This would reduce traffic movement around the school.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Nathan Alex who was last week’s winner. Thank you to the students who sent me in the photocopied passage from ‘One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish’ by Dr Seuss! Today’s problem is from another problem from one of Dr Seuss’ books. A special prize will be given to the child who can tell me the name of the Dr Suess book the problem is based on.
Altogether there are 48 Zeds, each with a single hair on its head. The story tells us that each Zed needs its hair cut once per day. How many haircuts will the hairdresser have to give in a week? If the hairdresser charges the Zed’s $9 per haircut, how much money will he make in a week? If the hairdresser works for fifty weeks in a year, what does he make in a year? How long will he have to work to make one million dollars?
Are you Leaving MTS?
If you are leaving Mother Teresa School at the end of 2020, could you please contact the front office on 6241 5604. Year 6 leavers do not need to contact us.
Commonwealth Bank School Banking Program
Our school banking program has started up again. We are looking for a couple of volunteers to assist at 9am on a Wednesday morning for about 30 - 45 minutes to process the banking deposits from students. If you would like to be involved please contact the front office for more information.
Boorowa Touch Football & Netball Carnival
Unfortunately we have had news this week that the Borrowa carnival will not take place this year. We look forward to having a fantastic carnival in 2021.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Religious Education Term 3 Week 3 - 2020
The Whole school focus theme for this year is:
Be Just Like Jesus
To be like Jesus is to be a person willing to put others before yourself, to seek wisdom, and to care about how you interact with all people you come across in life.
Last Wednesday evening 37 of our Confirmation candidates received the sacrament in a beautiful and moving ceremony. Their sense of reverence and awareness of the
importance of the sacrament in their lives was very palpable. Our sincere thanks to Fr Mark for his gentle and inspiring presence; Louise Johnson, Denis, & Matthew for their unfailing support. Stephanie Travers, Hayley Shelley, Wendy Cecato, Brendan Roweth and Craig Hart for their dedication in preparing the children so well. A special thank you to the Year 6 children who did not make their Confirmation but walked the journey with their peers and who supported them on the night. We look forward to the remaining Confirmation Candidates making the sacrament on Wednesday the12th August.
Let us lift up those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation that this unique time of preparation will inspire in their hearts a deep love for Christ and his Church.
Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

St Mary MacKillop Feast Day 8 August
St. Mary MacKillop was born in Fitzroy, Melbourne, in 1842, the eldest child of Scottish immigrants. In 1861 she moved to the small town of Penola in South Australia, where she met Fr Julian Tenison Woods. Together they established Australia’s first free Catholic school. In 1866 she co-founded Australia’s first religious order, the Sisters of St Joseph, and took a vow of poverty. Soon there were 17 schools under her care, but Mary’s refusal to abide by the rules of the Bishop in Adelaide led to her excommunication from the church. She was accepted back a year later and eventually shown respect by the Bishops for her work with the poor. Mary was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995, as a result of a woman who was cured of leukaemia in 1961 after a group offered prayers to Sister Mary. She was canonised by Pope Benedict XVI on 17 October 2010 and is now known as St Mary of the Cross.
First Eucharist & Reconciliation:
Booking to attend Mass
Please continue with our Mass booking system for up to 100 people at each Mass. To attend Mass in person, please follow this link to make a booking.
If you are no longer able to attend a booked Mass, please use your confirmation email to return the tickets so that others can book to attend. We appreciate your help as we would like to give everyone the opportunity to attend in person.
For those who are not able to attend in person at this time, please continue to join us for Mass on Sundays at 9.30am via Zoom using
Mass times for August are as follows:
· Saturdays: 5:00pm and 6:00pm
· Sundays 8:00am, 9:30am (with zoom) and 12:00pm
Parents please ensure that your child has their mass booklet with them to follow along with the mass. If they have not received it yet please let me know. Thank you!
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year A
9 August 2020
“Command me to come to you over the water.”
Something to Think About
Today’s story begins with a storm scene. We all face storms in our lives, difficult times that cause us to tremble and shake with fear. In the story, Peter calls out to Jesus, 'If it really is you Lord, tell me to come to you on the water.' He is fine while he believes, but as soon as he begins to doubt, he starts to sink. Sometimes it is really hard to keep believing. However Jesus tells us to trust him and he will look after us.
The Story
This week’s passage from Matthew is about a time when Peter discovered he could walk on water if he kept focussing on Jesus.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
Religious Education Co-ordinator
Community Service Announcements
Rail Safety Week (RSW) is a national annual community awareness week held in Australia and New Zealand designed to engage the community in safe rail practices.
Mother Teresa School is joining Canberra Metro Operations, the ACT Government and key community groups to raise awareness around the issue of safety around light rail in Canberra. This year we are urging all Canberrans to Pay attention – take responsibility, and asking, Are you #RailSAFE.
Follow @CanberraMetroLightRail and @TransportCanberra on Facebook to find out more about staying #RailSAFE