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Principal's Report Term 3 Week 6
Dear parents,
Normally we hold Learning Journeys in week nine of term three. Classrooms would be open after school so that parents can visit the classrooms and look at the work that has been done by children throughout the year. However, with the COVID 19 restrictions, unfortunately they will not be taking place this year.
Teresa’s Got Talent has also been cancelled for this year. Again, COVID 19 restrictions make it impossible to hold the performances in front of an audience. I know this is disappointing for all of the students who went to the effort of submitting on-line entries. Along with Mr Hart, I have viewed most of the entries and was impressed by the diversity of the acts as well as the talent of the students. So much confidence at such a young age.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Emma Liew (Kinder Scarlett) who was the first name drawn out as the winner for the week. We will continue with our Dr Seuss theme for the rest of this term. This week’s problem is below.
The young girl must have an incredible amount of skill and strength to balance 10 cats on her head. From lightest to heaviest, the weights of the ten cats was 2kg, 4kg, 6kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12kg, 14kg, 16kg, 18kg and 20kg.
Work out the combined weight of the ten cats, then work it out another way.
Which was the easier and why?
Remember, you do not have to add the numbers in order from left to right. Look for a pattern to make the addition problem easier. The wooden board that the cats are sitting on weighs exactly 10kg and the girl weighs 30kg.
How many more times heavier is the weight of the load that the girl is carrying than the girl?
Hats back on from next week
On Tuesday 1 September it is hats back on for all students. Please ensure that your child has a hat (with their name on it) for use at recess and lunch. Students who do not have a hat will have to play in the shade.
God bless
Peter Hughes
Religious Education Term 3 Week 6
The Whole school focus theme for this year is: Be Just Like Jesus
To be like Jesus is to be a person willing to put others before yourself, to seek wisdom, and to care about how you interact with all people you come across in life.
First Eucharist & Reconciliation:

Booking to attend Mass:
Please continue with our Mass booking system for up to 100 people at each Mass. To attend Mass in person, please follow this link to make a booking.
For those who are not able to attend in person at this time, please continue to join us for Mass on Sundays at 9.30am via Zoom using
Mass times for August are as follows:
· Saturdays: 5:00pm and 6:00pm
· Sundays 8:00am, 9:30am (with zoom) and 12:00pm. Parents please ensure that your child has their mass booklet with them to follow along with the mass.
St Teresa of Calcutta
School Feast Day
Friday 4th September
Fun filled day full of activities starting with classroom Liturgy @ 9:am
Sausage sizzle lunch.
Mini Mission Fete
Please send in your money by 29th August
(for catering purposes)
- $2 for extra sausage (First sausage included in Golden Ticket price)
- Golden Tickets to be distributed on the day (name and class on please)
- Students wear sports uniform for photo shoot.
- Students can purchase more than 1 ‘Golden Ticket’
- The more tickets the chances to win the lucky draw prize of family tickets to the movies.
This year we will be raising awareness for those less fortunate: Global School Partners- Excellence Academy in Kenya; Catholic Mission and the Lebanon Appeal.
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year A
30 August 2020
“All who wish to follow me must deny themselves.”
Something to Think About
Being a disciple of Jesus is not always easy. Jesus often reminded his friends that the way of discipleship is the way of the cross. However, experiencing difficult times helps us to grow and learn.
Can you think of a time when you had to do something difficult, or make a difficult decision? How did this help you to grow as a person?
Although it’s not always easy to follow Jesus, we need to keep trying!
The Story
In this week’s gospel story, Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to suffer, die and rise again. Peter (as usual) does not fully comprehend what Jesus is saying.
How often does Peter miss the point! More than this, Peter protests strongly and dares to try to tell Jesus that this should not happen!
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
Religious Education Co-ordinator