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Principal's Report Term 1 Week 6
Dear parents,
Thank you to all that assisted with today’s fundraising BBQ. To date we have raised approximately $6000 which includes a number of donations from our families. A special thank you to Lindbeck’s Butchery in Queanbeyan, and Kidz Biz for their donations of sausages and bread and to the Men of Mother Teresa for cooking the BBQ. We also had a friend of the Lee family, Christy Ji who came in to help and we thank her for her assistance.
If you would like to make a donation please drop it in to the front office.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Nikos Vassiliotis who was this week's winner. It was great to see a lot of entries. This week’s problem is harder and I challenge the students in 5 Pearl to try and solve it at home.
Tippy the dog eats 1 &1/3 cups of dog food per day. Tuffy the cat eats ¾ cup of cat food per day. A bag of dog food contains 160 cups of food and costs $40.83. A bag of cat food contains 58 cups of food and costs $29.89. How much money must be spent on buying bags of food for Tippy and Tuffy for one year?
Congratulations to our girls' A team who placed second in the ACT Girls Chess Championships – North Canberra Zone on Thursday. They now participate in the ACT Girls' Championships to be held later in the year.
We had 16 girls participate on the day and they were a credit to MTS.
This is the first time MTS has taken home a chess trophy, so we are all very excited.

Personal Plan Meetings
Our Personal Plan (PP) Meetings will be held over several weeks due to a number of staff attending Professional Development workshops and the short weeks coming up. Some meetings will be held this term and others will carry over into the start of Term 2. Families will be sent an invitation in the coming days to attend their child's PP. Thank you for your support and patience.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Religious Education Term 1 Week 6
The Whole school focus theme for this year is:
‘We Are Bee-Attitude Keepers”
At Mother Teresa we are going to be courageous towards those we meet in our class and on the
playground by:
- Showing confidence
- Thinking creatively
- Being a positive risk taker
- Having a healthy self-esteem
- Standing up for what’s right
- Having a sense of achievement
- Thinking and acting independently
- Getting involved in service initiatives
Confirmation 2021
Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers and families as they embark on this important time in their faith journey.
This Tuesday 16th March at 12:00pm Year 6 will be celebrating their first Grade Mass for the year. This will also be a time when we welcome Eroni and Ariahn into the catholic faith when they are Baptised. Family and friends most welcome to attend.
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We encourage you to talk to your child about the importance of giving to those in need and to give generously. Please encourage your child/ren to bring in their Project Compassion envelops and donations this week. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations. So far we have raised $1366.00 Amazing effort everyone!
The students have been looking at the case studies of where there money is going this week it is going to Arsad from Indonesia.
Arsad, an Indonesian farmer, had no toilet in his home, so he had to walk into the forest to the open defecation area, even at night or in the rain.
Around 17 percent of Indonesia’s rural population practice open defecation , with many unaware that it contributes to spreading diseases.
Arsad’s family was often sick and open defecation caused neighbourhood disputes. With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner, Laz Harfa, he took part in hygiene, sanitation and financial management training. He decided to fund the building of a toilet in his house and facilitated others in his neighbourhood to save up for toilets.
Now, Arsad and his family are healthier and have reduced their medical expenses. Their community no longer practices open defecation and is more harmonious. A community event, called ‘Declaration of Open Defecation-Free’ was even held to acknowledge their achievements.
Improved hygiene practices helped Arsad’s community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caritas Australia, through Laz Harfa, also shared prevention measures and distributing soap and masks.
Arsad has inspired his neighbourhood to ‘Be More’. “We help each other, the ‘togetherness’ is growing. Our solidarity had increased,” Arsad says.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet REC
- A reminder that school fees are overdue. If you have not already done so could you please contact the office to make arrangements for payment.
- Term 1 Chess Club fees of $56.00 are now overdue. If you have not already done so could you please contact the front office to pay.
High School Open Day Information
Parents please use this booking link to confirm your child's attendance on Thursday 25 March. Bookings are essential.
Please note transport to and from JPC on this day must be arranged by parents.
MTS students will be going on 6 May. Notes will be sent home shortly.