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Principal's Report Term 2 Week 2 - 2021
Dear parents,
Next week our Year Six students receive the sacrament of Confirmation. We ask all members of the community to keep these students in their prayers at this important milestone in their faith journey.
I thank Mrs Leet, the Year Six teachers and the parents of each child for helping the students prepare for the reception of this sacrament.
2022 Enrolments
Next week the official enrolment period commences for Catholic schools in Canberra. If any parents or their friends want to enrol their child at MTS they are encouraged to get their applications in as soon as possible. All enrolments are done electronically through the Mother Teresa School website.
Below I have included information for families that wish to enrol their child at MTS.
- Mother Teresa School only accepts new families from the suburbs of Harrison, Throsby, Franklin and the suburb of Gungahlin. All the suburbs of Gungahlin are zoned to either Good Shepherd School at Amaroo, Holy Spirit School at Nicholls or MTS at Harrison.
- All students leaving the early learning centre at MTS must submit an application to the school to which they are zoned. Attending the ELC at MTS does not guarantee a position at MTS.
- The Catholic Education Office has a set of enrolment priorities that guides the offering of positions at local catholic schools. These children who:
- Are baptised Catholic, who are members of the designated local Parish communities or; where there is more than one primary school within a Parish, the designated enrolment area within the Parish;
- Are siblings of children already attending the primary school;
- Are children of staff in the selected school;
- Are baptised Catholic from other Parishes or enrolment areas who cannot obtain places in their own Parish primary school;
- Are baptised Catholic whose parents/ legal guardians seek to enrol them in a Parish primary school outside their own Parish or enrolment area but who can obtain places in their own Parish primary school; and
- Are non-Catholic whose parents/ legal guardians desire and are committed to a Catholic education.
- Due to COVID restrictions there will be no open days or school tours in 2021. Parents who are invited to an interview and will be given a tour at that time. Existing MTS families that have another child commencing do not need to meet with the principal.
Key Dates
Enrolment period ends 28th May
Offers of place sent 25th June
Acceptances due 23rd July
ELC Changes
For the last 2 years the Catholic Education Office has been working with a group of industry experts from Wollongong University to examine all eight Catholic ELCs to make them more sustainable going forward.
I am aware there is some discussion taking place amongst families in on-line forums about what the changes may be. I am aware that there is a meeting taking place today to finalise communication with all stakeholders. Hopefully this will be sent to schools for distribution early next week.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Raeland Loney who had the first correct entry drawn out for last week’s problem.
This week’s problem is below and has a Winter theme.
Imagine that you are having a snowball making competition with a friend. If you can make 4 snowballs in 5 minutes and your friend can make 2 snowballs in 3 minutes, how many snowballs can you make together in an hour? Who would have made more snowballs? How many more? Illustrate your work!
Week 2 NSIT Report
Analysis and discussion of data
A high priority is given to the school-wide analysis and discussion of systematically collected data on student outcomes, including academic, attendance, and behavioural outcomes, and student wellbeing. Data analyses consider overall school performance as well as the performances of students from identified priority groups; evidence of improvement/ regression over time; performances in comparison with similar schools; and, in the case of data from standardised tests, measures of growth across the years of school.
Religious Education Term 2 Week 2 - 2021
The Whole school focus theme for this year is:
‘We Are Bee-Attitude Keepers”
The Mourning Bird
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
There was a great storm blowing through the forest. In that forest was a tree with a nest, a mother bird, and her baby bird. The baby bird did not yet know how to fly. The storm blew very hard until it carried the baby bird out of its nest and far away from its mother. When the storm ended it found itself somewhere it had never been. It thought it would never see home and its mother again. The bird cried and cried until a deer heard the bird and came to see what was the matter. The bird explained what happened and the deer felt sorry for her. "Baby bird, climb on my back and we will find your home." The deer knelt down so the bird could climb on top of its back and held on tight with its talons. Then the deer bolted around the forest looking for the bird's mother and friends. The baby bird chirped as loud as it could. They searched for days without finding the little bird's home. The bird was ready to give up. "I've lost her for ever," it said and began to cry once more. The deer comforted the bird telling it that they would stay together no matter what. The deer would be the bird's new family. The bird's tears became a mix of joy and sadness. It cried for the loss of its mother and cried out of joy for finding a new friend. Then, the bird heard something. It was its mother. She heard the crying and came to the bird from a distance. They had travelled very near to the bird's home. They did it. They found the baby bird’s mother and the baby bird also found a friend.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)
Confirmation 2021
Let us lift up those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation that this unique time of preparation will inspire in their hearts a deep love for Christ and his Church.
Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.
Please keep our Year 6 students and their families in your prayers as they will be making the Sacrament of Confirmation next week.
On Wednesday, our Year 6 students participated in ‘Spirit Day’. We hope the students enjoyed the opportunity to reflect on their faith journey so far this year. They celebrated Reconciliation with Fr Thonn in an uplifting ceremony. All appreciated the lunchtime barbeque cooked by Mr Hart, Mr Roweth. They also had an opportunity to create cards for their sponsors and engage in various activities ensured that our Confirmation candidates are well and truly prepared to make the sacrament next few week.
"All who live in me, and I in them, bear much fruit.”
Year B | Sunday 2 May | whitewho live in me, and I in them, bear much frui
Click on the link below to go to the readings and activities for this Sunday.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
Religious Education Coordinator
ACT Swimming Carnival
MTS had 6 students represent North Canberra/Gungahlin at the ACT Primary Schools Swimming Carnival on Wednesday.

From left: Milana Sadler-Pather, Quinn Truong, Ethan Ciceran, Ryley Power, Will Ciceran & Charlotte Power
The team had a fantastic day and swam their hearts out. Milana and Ryley finished with some outstanding results
Milana: 2nd 50 Freestyle, 2nd 50 Backstroke, 3rd 50 Butterfly & 3rd 50 Breastroke
Ryley: 1st 50 Butterfly, 2nd 50 Freestyle & 50 Backstroke
Sadly, these students will not be able to compete at a National carnival as it has been cancelled this year due to Covid. Still an amazing achievement from such talented kids.
Thanks to the parents who were able to take the children to the carnival and Nadine Sadler for volunteering and helping with the running of the carnival.
Upcoming Events
We have a jam packed week 3. Good luck to all participants
Tuesday - Wally Masur Cup (tennis) at school
Wednesday - Matt Giteau Cup (Rugby) Southwell Park, Lyneham
Thursday - AFL Finals – Phillip Oval
Friday - Netball Finals Day – ACT Solar Hub Netball Centre, Lyneham
Snow Sports - If your child is interested in competing in snow sports this year please visit the following website for more information and get into contact with Mr Roweth.