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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 3 2024
- Mother Teresa Swimming Carnival
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News
- Meet our Youth Minister
- Class Awards Week 3 - Be Calm
- Student Counselling Support Referral
- Spelling Mastery Program
- Tech Talk with Mrs Macarthur
- MTS Netball
- MTS Cheerleading - Expressions of Interest
- Community Council News and Events
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 1 Week 3 2024
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
As advertised in the picnic promotion, families received house tokens for attending and in addition to the picnic games scattered about, we had a house colour specific scavenger hunt puzzle. The house token totals are as follows:-
- Jackman House = 47 Points
- Bartey House = 34 Points
- Alcott House = 20 Points
- Irwin House = 19 Points
Community Council Meeting
This year marks the beginning of the implementation of the new Community Council Guidelines. Parents are invited to our first meeting to be held on Tuesday 20 February commencing at 6.00pm - 7.30pm in the school staffroom. Enter by the main door at the front of the school.
Agenda items for discussion:
- Community Council Guidelines
- School Car Park
- Hall Refurbishment Project
- Social and Fundraising Activities - offered to coordinate events
- School Grounds and Sustainability
Interested in attending or have other suggestions for discussion please email
- a yellow pass if they arrive via the office indicating they are on time or
- a blue ticket indicating they arrived after 8.55am and have been formally signed in.
Please make every effort to get your child to school on time.
Our current school focus is on being Calm
Mother Teresa Swimming Carnival
A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers and spectators that came along, and to the staff that went above and beyond during the carnival to make it a memorable day for our students.
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is 'COME HOLY SPIRIT' and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Acts: 15-28
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
We will show the value of Compassion towards those we

- Empathise
- Include others
- Recognise and respond to others’ needs
- Express care
- Describe feelings
- Take action to assist others
- Allow others to be themselves

This week the season of Lent began with Ash Wednesday, which also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allows Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to alleviate poverty, hunger, oppression and injustice.
We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. All students have received a set of envelopes for their weekly donations. The ELC will be given Project Compassion boxes.
This year, the theme For All Future Generations is inspired by the story of the burning bush in the book of Exodus (Exodus 3:1–20).
In this story, God tells Moses that he has heard the cry of the people. God responds to things not being fair and chooses Moses to speak to Pharaoh.
Though Moses is afraid, God promises to be with him.
As God called Moses, so now God calls us to work for all future generations.
For over 60 years, Caritas Australia has worked hand in hand with the most marginalised and remote communities in Australia and overseas to confront the challenges of poverty.
1st Sunday of Lent
18 February 2024 - Year B
“This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him.”
Something to Think About
The readings we hear during Lent help us to think about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. To have a mission is to have a special job. What do you think your special job from God could be?
The Story
In today’s gospel, God’s spirit tells Jesus to go into the desert. In the desert, Satan tests Jesus and tries to trick him. Jesus does not fall for Satan’s tricks and eventually Satan goes away. Jesus stays in the desert for 40 days with the wild animals, but angels look after Jesus. After leaving the desert, Jesus travels to Galilee and tells the people the good news that God loves everyone! Jesus tells the people to turn their hearts back to God and believe the good news.
Journey with Jesus retreat
On Friday our Year 6 students and teachers participated in a faith-filled experience. The day is packed with games, activities, dramas, videos and talks that all explore the Gospel messages of God’s love, salvation, and forgiveness.
The students spend the day learning about what we need in life for our journey with Jesus. Using a backpack full of items, we learn that on a journey we need a water bottle, which represents the essential and unconditional nature of God’s love, a torch which represents salvation and the light of Jesus in our lives and a first aid kit to represent healing and forgiveness when things go wrong.
At the end of the day the students reflect and respond on their journey so far. They enter a time of prayer, and it is beautiful to see the students coming forward with open hearts to invite Jesus into their lives.
As the Journey with Jesus retreat day ends, the students are clear on the message that it is not in fact the end of their journey but just the beginning and they leave the day eager to see what God has planned for them!
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet REC
Children’s Sacramental Program 2024
Sacrament of Confirmation
For children in Year 6 wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024.
Information sessions will be held on
TUESDAY 27 February
1pm or 6pm
@ Holy Spirit Church, 93 Burdekin Ave, Amaroo
For those new to our school or who have not enrolled yet please follow the link below to register immediately:
Attendance at one of these sessions is compulsory for one parent and the Confirmation candidate.
Important information about preparing for the Sacrament will be given to you at this time. The sessions will not be repeated.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please email if you have any questions.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
22, 23, 24 May 2024.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
For children in Year 3 and above wishing to receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation in 2024. Information sessions will be held on
Tuesday 3 September at the church.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
12, 13, 14 November 2024.
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be in Year 4 in 2025
For more details, please visit our website:
Student Counselling Support Referral
Student Support Referral
To assist our families in accessing the best support available through Mother Teresa School, we are setting up the following process to assist with referrals and the most appropriate use of our resources.
- Enquiry (teacher or parent) – Request a referral form from the office and return to the Principal
- The Principal will talk with you and guide you to appropriate support
Support types:
- Diverse Learning Teacher and team,
- Student welfare officer (individual or small group guidance and/or mentoring support),
- Defence School Mentor,
- School counselling (individual or small group)
- External agencies
If school counselling is recommended the School Counsellor will contact the parents and go through the online CatholicCare referral process if school counselling is suitable. Our School Counsellors, are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to speak with parents or to work with the students who may be suitable for school counselling.
It is the CatholicCare and Mother Teresa School’s policy that the counsellor always contacts parents before meeting with any child.
Our new Counsellors are
- Cameron Day - Mondays to Wednesdays
- Nik Nur Shuhaimi - Fridays
A referral is required each new school year. Please return to the Principal.
A message from Cameron Day
Greetings Mother Teresa families. My name is Cameron Day, and I am excited to be the school counsellor this year. I am available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
I am a Social Worker with a passion for working with children, young people, and their families. I have previously worked in education, child and adolescent mental health, and acute mental health.
When I am not working, I enjoy reading, eating, spending time with my family and friends, and being physically active.
In my school counselling work, I provide short-term, client-centred support to students, drawing from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused, Mindfulness and Trauma-informed approaches in a developmentally appropriate context.
I look forward to working with you all this year.
Please see below for live webinars from the e-safety Commissioner for this term. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences. To register for these webinars and other dates later in the year please go to
Community Council News and Events
The first of our social & community events for 2024 was a great success with the MTS Welcome Picnic held on the school oval last Sunday. Thank you to all who could come and a huge thank you to all our volunteers who could help set up and pack up!
It was perfect weather for our MTS families to enjoy their BYO picnics and who also enjoyed the array of games scattered around. A house themed scavenger hunt was super fun and the families of Jackman earned the most tokens for the yellow house!
If you would like to get involved in helping with our school community events, you are more than welcome to reach out to us at
The MTS Council will be meeting for the first time this week on Tuesday 20 February at 6:00 pm. All welcome! Please feel free to join us at the meeting.
Community Service Announcements

Come and party with Zumba with Frances! Your instructor Frances and her friend Kelli are celebrating five years as Zumba Instructors, so they're holding a FREE Zumba class for all the people who make their job so wonderful.
9AM - 10AM Saturday 17 February, Mother Teresa School Hall
Bring your water bottle, your towel, your sneakers, and your biggest smile!
Contact or go to for more information.