Home Learning

Contemporary educational research and data collated from surveys distributed within our community in 2017 indicates that traditional homework causes a great deal of stress to families, while providing no substantial benefits academically to student performance.

In light of this it has been determined that Home Learning, other than reading, will be optional for all students at Mother Teresa School.

Home Learning tasks are optional activities assigned by year level teachers that can be completed by students outside of school hours. 

Home Learning can include a variety of activities undertaken with the family to consolidate and extend learning as well as participation in family and leisure activities.

Reading is considered an essential skill which forms the only non-negotiable, compulsory component of home learning. Parents are encouraged to engage their children in reading in a variety of ways including listening to them read aloud, reading to them and depending on their age and development encouraging them to read independently for enjoyment.

The ACT Education Directorate has developed these resources to assist with home learning.